Tokyo Headquarters
– Management / Accounting Department / Sales Department Daisan Fuji building, 2-16-13, Minami-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo-to, 185-0021, Japan TEL: +81-42-321-3753
– Management / Accounting Department / Sales Department Daisan Fuji building, 2-16-13, Minami-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo-to, 185-0021, Japan TEL: +81-42-321-3753
– Wafer test – Winal test – Device assembly 2781-1, Shimo Sone-cho, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi-ken, 400-1508, Japan TEL: +81-55-266-4821
– Micro parts assembly, optical communication module, etc. – Development and assembly business 639-7,Chugen-machi,Murakami-shi,Niigata-ken,958-0823,Japan TEL: +81-254-53-2281
– Design and development of microcomputer embedded system – Engineer dispatch 1-5-12-2, Abumi, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken, 950-0913, Japan TEL: +81-25-245-4576
– Optical communication module / precision electronic component assembly and inspection – Assembly and inspection of machine parts 700/771 MOO 3, AMATA CITY CHONBURI INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, NONGKAKHA, PANTHONG, CHONBURI 20160 Thailand Tel. (+66)-38-185180